Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Creative Response 2

Response 2

Q Creative response #2 (due 2/28) Working from memory, Lomba manages to remix and reassemble famous poems and merge them with his own ideas and language in order to reach his audience, Janice, in multiple ways--and also serve the purpose of pleasing the superintendent, Muftau. Create a "found" poem from phrases and words in the story, "Lomba," rearranging their order, tenses, plurality, as you see fit, in order to make something that is inspired by "Lomba" but also very much your own. (In case you are wondering, poets creating found poems do usually cite their source, just as musicians will credit others they've sampled. Often, knowing the source adds a neat richness to the remixed work.) Want more definition of the "found poem" concept? Here's a link. Have fun!

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